Hair Removal Wizard

Skin Care and Hair Removal

Hair Removal, Routine, Skin Care

Skin Care and Hair Removal

Skin care can be challenging enough without adding to its difficulty with facial hair removal. For optimal results, use a gentle cream cleanser and moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid and ceramides like our Restorative Facial Moisturizer to care for the skin.

Threading can also be an effective method for removing peach fuzz; however, it may be more painful than shaving.


Waxing is a semi-permanent hair removal method that lasts up to six weeks, unlike shaving which only removes partial follicles of hair from follicles. Waxing removes entire follicles of hair at once which results in less frequent, lighter hair growth over time, as well as finer and softer locks when it regrowth.

Skin can become red and sensitive immediately following waxing, but these symptoms usually fade within hours. To ensure the best experience following a wax, avoid sun exposure as well as hot baths/showers or tight clothing that could further irritate the skin post-wax.

Before scheduling a waxing appointment, it is wise to exfoliate in order to rid of dead skin cells that might obstruct the process. Following waxing sessions, applying a hydrating body lotion afterward is also advised as this helps minimize ingrown hairs and can help minimize ingrowns.

There are two methods of waxing: cold (soft wax) and hot (hard) wax. Cold wax can be purchased in jars or pots and requires using a wooden spatula to scoop out desired amounts. Before applying it to skin, however, it must first be warmed to a comfortable temperature and tested on wrist for signs of burnt skin before use.

A therapist may apply either a cloth strip or directly apply wax directly onto the area they need to wax. After waiting for it to cool, they pull off against the direction of hair growth for removal. Although less painful than hard waxing techniques, this method still may cause some discomfort for some individuals.

Reputable estheticians will understand how to address any potential issues that may arise during a treatment, such as testing the wax on a small patch of skin prior to using it and not double dipping their applicator into one container of wax twice. They should also have stringent sanitation and disposal processes in place that must be adhered to to reduce risks of infection.

Informing a therapist of any medications or medical conditions that increase the chances of an adverse reaction during waxing, such as psoriasis, eczema, raised moles or broken skin areas is critical. Retinol creams and oral retinoids (isotretinoin and acitretin) should also be avoided two to five days before having waxing performed.

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Shaving is the hair removal technique most familiar to both men and women alike, employing razors or bladed implements to slice away unwanted hair at skin level using a razor or other sharp implement. Most commonly practiced for facial hair removal, many also choose to shave legs and underarms regularly.

Before shaving, exfoliating can reduce razor burn, ingrown hairs and other post-waxing complications. A scrub, mitt or loofah can all help remove dead skin cells to prep the area for hair removal.

After shaving, always apply an aftershave lotion or balm containing antiseptic (to prevent infection from cuts), an astringent to shrink pores and reduce oiliness, and a moisturizer (for soft skin). These steps will help avoid razor bumps (commonly known as pseudofolliculitis barbae or PFB).

Before beginning tweezing, waxing, bleaching or shaving treatments on your skin, make sure it’s thoroughly clean – this includes no residual makeup lingering on the face. A gentle cream cleanser such as L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Radiant Smoothing Cream Cleanser can help prepare it for treatment by cleansing away excess oils and any traces of makeup from previous clients’ treatment sessions. Also avoid double dipping waxing sticks as this unsanitary practice may spread bacteria to new clients via your treatment sessions!

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal utilizes laser energy to damage and inhibit future hair growth, making it one of the most sought-after noninvasive cosmetic treatments. Lasers have become one of the most sought-after noninvasive solutions, often seen on facial, bikini line, chest, underarms, back legs and arms hair removal; effective against ingrown hairs razor bumps pilonidal cysts as well as ingrowns razor bumps a pilonidal cysts if needed. While the procedure may cause slight discomfort or redness that can be soothed with over-the-counter hydrocortisone or aloe vera cream; damaged by laser treatments will typically fall out within weeks; with multiple sessions completed over time it should stop growing completely.

Before the procedure starts, the treatment area will be cleansed and an anesthetic cream may be applied. Once ready, a practitioner will use a laser device on the targeted area; some people compare its sensation to rubber band snapping against skin or sunburn-like symptoms. Protective eyewear must also be worn during this procedure in order to shield eyes from its light source.

Following treatment, skin may appear red or itchy for several hours following therapy; this is normal and usually passes within several hours. You should avoid applying self-tanners or tanning beds in the area for several days post-therapy as these products increase risk of burns and complications.

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If you decide to undergo laser hair removal, make sure the person performing the treatment is licensed. This requires having both a doctorate in an appropriate field and specific laser certification (even board-certified physicians who want to perform this procedure must receive extra training). Otherwise, there could be serious risks of scarring or burns on sensitive skin. Typically up to 6 treatments for both the face and body are necessary with sessions spaced out 4-10 weeks apart in order to achieve permanent results.

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs occur when freshly-shaved, waxed or plucked hair grows back into the skin instead of passing through its pore, irritating it and creating red bumps with loops of visible hair beneath them. Not only are ingrown hairs unsightly, they can become infected leading to cysts or pustules known as infected hair folliculitis which cause significant pain as well as redness, swelling, redness and pus production – potentially making life miserable.

Ingrown hairs can result from various causes, including shaving with a dull razor that bends the blade under the surface of the skin, shaving too closely against natural hair growth, or using waxing strips that don’t pull hairs out but push them against the skin instead. People with curlier locks are especially prone to ingrown hairs.

As good news goes, ingrown hairs can often be easily resolved at home with some simple treatments. Hydration of the skin helps prevent clogging of hair follicles which contributes to ingrown hairs, while regular exfoliation with gentle scrubs or acid-based exfoliators will remove dead skin cells and promote new hair growth in an even manner. For maximum effectiveness and reduced risk of ingrowns, shaving with one blade instead of multi-blades can also significantly lower ingrowns risk as this does not stretch or bend hair over time.

When confronted with ingrown hairs at home, applying rubbing alcohol may help coax them out by applying sterilized tweezers to grab and twist each individual hair strand and break up its loop before twisting both ways to break up its loop and encourage its tip to grow out and surface. However, should the ingrown hair become irritated and infected, treatment by a dermatologist may include prescription antibiotic ointment for treatment purposes.

Infected ingrown hairs can be painful, swollen and oozing – leaving behind scarring. It is essential that they be addressed as soon as they appear as otherwise they could spread to other parts of the body and become harder to treat.

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